How is Women’s Test Cricket different from Men’s Test Cricket?

The historic women’s Test match between India and Australia has begun today at the Metricon Stadium on Gold Coast. The Indian women are all set to play their first-ever pink ball game against Australia. However, do you know that there are several differences between the men’s and women’s Test matches? Here are four differences between the men’s and women’s Test matches that you may or may not know:


India Women vs Australia Women - Day Night Test
India Women vs Australia Women – Day-Night Test

1. Number of Days:

The most prominent difference between the men’s and women’s Test matches is the duration and number of days for which the Test is played. A men’s Test match lasts 5 days while the women play for 4 days. In the 5-day Test match, it is compulsory to bowl at least 90 overs per day while for the women, they have to bowl at least 100 overs per day. This limits the completion time of every over to 3.6 minutes.

2. Ball:

Test matches in Australia are usually played with a Kookaburra ball. The Gold Coast Test being a Day/Night match, will see the women playing with a pink Kookaburra ball for better visibility. The difference will be in the weight of the ball. While the men play with a ball weighing 156 grams, the women use a 142-gram ball.

3. Playing Area:

The boundary size in a men’s Test match ranges from 59-82 meters. In the women’s match, the minimum size is 55 meters while the maximum is 64 meters.

4. Fielder Absent:

A “fielder absent” situation can occur when a fielder has to leave the field during the match due to unforeseen circumstances. The maximum time limit for this situation in the women’s Test is 110 minutes while in the men’s matches, the player can be out for 120 minutes. The amount of time that the player out corresponds to his/her penalty time during play in which he/she cannot bowl.

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Now that we know the regulations of a women’s Test match, let’s spot them practically at the Women’s Test match in the Metricon Stadium today between the Australian and Indian women.

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