Cricket is a team game with a ball and a bat. It is popular in Asia, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. And the British have been playing it for over 750 years! Great Britain without cricket is inconceivable as well as without Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot. Just as there is no one among Americans who does not know the game of baseball, so in England the rules of cricket are known to everyone from birth. If you want to not only play cricket but also make money on it, you can bet on sports on the रूले website.

History of the sport
Cricket has English roots and appeared in the 18th century. The word “cricket” comes from the Saxon “cric” – a shepherd’s stick. Many researchers claim that shepherds had fun on pastures with this stick and ball, where the ball rolled well in the low grass. It is possible that this stick gave the game its name, although this issue remains controversial to this day.
One way or another, the game has acquired the status of a national sport in Britain. The first club was organized in Hambledon, in the 60s. 18th century Then the capital of the state became the center of the game – playgrounds were built here and new clubs were opened. So, in 1787, the Marylebone Cricket Club was founded, which approved new rules of the game a year later.
England was a colonial power, so its national game soon covered the colonial countries: Australia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and others. National teams appeared in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Canada, and the Caribbean countries. In 1900, cricket entered the program of the Olympics, but did not last long. Since only two teams, English and French were represented at the Games in cricket, this sport was deleted from the Olympic list due to insufficient competition.
The first world championship between three states – England, Australia, and South Africa was organized in 1912. But the winner could not be identified – weather conditions interfered. The second time the World Cup was played was only in 1975, and since that time the world cricket championships have been held every 4 years.
The basic rules of the game are:
The fight is conducted on an oval-shaped grass field, in the middle of which there is a rectangular zone – an earthen pitch. It is indicated by special gates – devices made of wood in the form of an inverted “W”.
There are two teams in cricket, and there are 11 participants in the team. One of the teams takes the position of attacker, its goal is to break the opponent’s wicket with the ball while earning as many points as possible. The other team is the defenders, their function is to keep the wicket and prevent the attackers from earning points.
The ball is served along the length of the pitch, in the playing areas indicated by marking lines – crises. The player of the attacking team serving the ball is called the bowler. A defender who deflects bowler shots with a bat is a batsman. There is also a wicket-keeper – a player who defends the wicket.
The bowler and batsman positions are occupied in turn by all participants from both sides. Each cricketer can make 6 throws, collectively called “over”. The bowler throws the ball and the batsman hits it. Points are awarded for the range of the projectile: 4 points to the edge of the pitch, and 6 points beyond it. If the ball did not fly far enough, the batsman can get additional points by running to the opposite gate and returning back.
The rest of the team members are dispersed around the court, their task is to prevent the opponent from getting points and defending the wicket. If the wicket is broken, the batsman is out of the game. And so it continues until the last participant, after which the first period of the game ends – the inning. After that, the teams change positions.
Interesting facts about cricket
- The Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia is the most famous and unusual building. Its construction was carried out specifically for cricket, but later it became a multifunctional complex. This stadium hosts international championships, and rugby and football matches. It has hosted the Olympic Games several times.
- In the Solent, between the Isle of Wight and Southampton, is the Bramble Sandbank, which appears once a year at low tide. This happens in the spring, and the duration of the phenomenon is only one hour. At a time when the water leaves the shoreline, two local clubs traditionally arrange a friendly tournament that gathers a large number of spectators.
- In 1882 the England team considered the strongest in cricket, lost to the Australians at home. In this regard, The Sporting Times published a joking phrase: “English cricket is dead, the body is cremated, and the ashes will be sent to Australia.” After the British won, several victories over the Australians and the women of Melbourne presented the national team with an urn “with the ashes of Australian cricket.” It is kept in the museum, but its copy has become a symbol of victory in tournaments between England and Australia. The winner of the match raises it above his head.
- From 1890 – 1913 in England, there was an amateur cricket team, consisting of writers: R. Kipling, G. Wells, A. Conan Doyle, P. Wodehouse, Jerome K. Jerome, A. Milne, and others. It was founded by D. Barry, the author of Peter Pan “. He chose the name for it – “Allahakbarries”, not fully understanding the translation of this word.
- In many states, going to the game is considered a fashionable and prestigious activity. Important matters are decided at matches both in politics and in business. Some wealthy corporations even purchase VIP boxes at the stadium.
- Cricket became so popular in England that in 1796 it was decided to hold a match between wounded veterans of the Navy. In one team there were men with one arm, and in the other – with one leg. The prize for the winner was 1,000 guineas, for that time it was quite a lot of money. This match went down in history under the name “One-armed against one-legged”.
- Cricket is considered to be the longest-running sport – matches can last several days. Avid fans, coming to the stadium, bring a lot of food and drinks with them. No wonder it is called “A sport in which you can take a break for a cup of tea.”
And of course, an important point is the equipment of athletes. Cricket involves the use of special equipment: 6 columns and 4 crossbars for the wicket, two bats, and a ball. Professional cricket tournaments require the players of each team to have a uniform. And the defender of the gate is obliged to wear protective clothing.

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