How I braved my parents and chose cricket over everything

She wanted to fly with the wind, they made her cook lunch.
She wanted to walk on the clouds, they dressed her up in a saree.
Forced to break away from her dreams of hitting a ball,
She brought in the tea and samosas for the guests.

‘Do you want to work after marriage,’ asked the stranger woman.
‘No I want to play cricket,’ she replied with a smile.
Her mother hushed her.
The man on the sofa looked at her with a frown.
But she didn’t notice as she had eyes only for her bat.

As the guests left, her mother sighed at her.
‘Couldn’t you just leave your stupid dream behind,’ she asked.
‘This is the fifth family running away from us.’
‘I don’t want such nonsense under my roof,’ her father commanded.
‘Okay,’ she said and walked to her room.

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It was time, she knew, time for running away herself.
Out she came with a little bag in her hand,
And all saree clad, she picked up her bat from the floor.
‘Goodbye,’ she said, ‘don’t worry, I’ll make you proud someday.’
Off she walked to the sunlit dream before her.

Her mother stood shocked as her fatherstared after her.
‘Let her go,’ he said, ‘If she struggles to find a place to sleep,’
‘She will come back herself, let her go find her dream.’
And the worried parents tried to live their life without her.
Hoping against hope their daughter would do well.

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Next they see her, she is on TV.
Wearing a blue jersey, playing for the country.
‘I would like to thank my parents for making me so strong,’ she said.
‘I would never been here had my father stopped me leaving the house.’
Tears ran down her father’s shame coloured cheeks.
‘I’m proud of you my girl,’ he whispered under his breath.

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