Cute video of 3-year-old girl imitating bowling action from her elder sister will win your heart

Cute video of 3 year old girl bowling
Cute video of 3-year-old girl bowling

Cricket Peru posted a video on their official twitter handle wherein a little girl is seen imitating the bowling style of her elder sister. The three-year-old toddler hails from San Juan de Lurigancho, a district in Lima, Peru and was watching her sister bowling quite keenly.

As soon the bowl was released by the elder one, the little girl ran after it. After a few desperate attempts, she got hold of the ball and immediately took the position to bowl. It is pleasantly surprising to see the focus of the baby girl as she tried to exactly copy the leg and arm action of her big sister.

Have a look at the video and get amazed by the growth of female’s cricket in Peru country of South America.

Loves all things female cricket

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