There has been a rise in popularity in women’s cricket in the last 2-3 Years. Now there has been another momentous milestone achieved in the game of women’s cricket, the first-ever Indian women’s blind cricket team is set to be formed in association with the Cricket Association for the Blind in India accepting an invitation from Blind Cricket England and Wales (BCEW) for a women’s tour in July 2021.

This selection of an Indian blind women’s team provides added value to the national blind women’s tournament that is scheduled to be played later this year.
At the Cricket Association for the Blind in India Annual General Meeting, it was declared that the Nagesh Trophy men’s nationals, and the bilateral series vs South Africa will be held sometime this season providing the government grants permission. The AGM also approved impermanent recognition to the blind cricket associations all over India, in Chandigarh, Assam, Sikkim, Nagaland, and Meghalaya.
This is a big boost for Cricket Association for the Blind in India (CABI) as they have faced many difficulties like lack of sponsors, grounds, support, financial backing, and players.
This is the biggest development for the CABI since the first blind women’s national tournament last year, Samarthanam Women’s National Cricket Tournament for Blind 2019.

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