Welcome to Female Cricket
An initiative to give our Female Cricketers an access to all the relevant and important resources needed to develop their Cricket skills and thereby impacting the entire Female Cricket Community.
Female Cricket was founded to tackle and resolve the problems and challenges that are faced by Female Cricketers today.
These problems were quite common, yet nobody was addressing them.
· Parents not letting their daughters play Sports to avoid their distraction from studies.
· Female Cricket enthusiasts having a tough time to find out Female Cricket Clubs around their place.
· Lack of Female coaches, Cricket grounds and infrastructure were just adding to the turmoil.
We knew that there are enough and equally talented Female Cricketers, who wants to pursue their dream in Cricket, who just wants to stick to the game for the love of it, but were having difficult time in doing so. We found out that lack of enough knowledge and awareness was one of the major causes that were an obstacle to the overall Female Cricket Community. To overcome this obstacle, we founded Female Cricket.
A platform that gives Females an access to all the relevant and important resources needed to develop their Cricket and thereby impacting the entire Female Cricket Community.
Our vision is to make Female Cricket a household brand name that is known to develop and nurture Female Cricketers in and around the Country.
Idea behind Female Cricket
The unorganized and restricted Female Cricket market has dearth of talents and is full of opportunities.
We, through Female cricket want to unveil these hidden talents, nurture them and turn them into role models.
There’s not enough Matches for Females
There’s not enough female dedicated Cricket Clubs
There’s not enough awareness about Female Cricket
There’s not enough motivation in grass root females Cricket
Parents aren’t supportive since they are clueless about Cricket and its value
Through Female Cricket, we wish to Share and celebrate the positives in Female Community, by highlighting their involvement in Cricket & the difference they can make to our society.
One of the main objectives of our Events / Tournament would be to create awareness about social & practical issues such as Domestic Violence against Females, Female Education & Female Foeticide. Other areas which we would want to address are Child Marriage, Poverty, sex trafficking & Depression. And we believe that Cricket can be used as an essential medium to drive positive awareness and throw away the neglect elements from the society.
Our Mission
Our mission is to make Female Cricket a one stop solution for all Female cricketing needs, right from Cricket Equipments to Cricket Coaches, to Cricket Matches and Sponsorships.
Make Female Cricket as one of the best Cricket brands in the Country.
Who can join us in this initiative?
Females who love Cricket
Females who want to play Cricket
Females who have played Cricket and want to volunteer to the cause
Females who wish to spread their knowledge by coaching other Females
Females who wish to see their daughters play Cricket
Females who want to make more friends in Cricket
Females who wish to Contribute to Female Cricket

On a mission to promote women’s cricket around the world! Follow our story: