Jhulan Goswami – 10 must read Inspiring Quotes

Women’s Cricket in India has come a long way riding on the shoulders of our mighty women cricketers. Our female superheroes have proved their worth and commitment time and again. Experience is what grows with time and sports is all about gaining experiences as time folds by. One such experience is Jhulan Goswami. A name every female cricketer in India must have heard and cherished at different walks of their life. Jhulan who brings to the table an experience worth 2 decades has been an inspiration and role model to many. A big time Sachin Tendulkar fan, Jhulan today, is the senior-most player in the team. Imagine the kind of learning and knowledge our Junior cricketers must be getting everyday. 

Female Cricket brings to you 10 life changing and heart-warming quotes by our speedster – Jhulan Goswami! 




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Vishal Yadav, Founder & CEO at Female Cricket

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