In a historic moment on 17th August, Australia Women’s former cricketer and renowned commentator Mel Jones rang the five-minute bell at the home of cricket – The Lord’s ground before the fourth-day play of the 2nd Ashes Test between England and Australia.
Describing her once-in-a-lifetime experience, former Southern Stars player said, “It was nerve-racking. You know you do all these things on the field as a cricketer and then with the microphone in front of your face of broadcast but I had a little bit of the sweat. A little bit, just because of the tradition of the place, knowing the people that have gone before you as well and they had Warnie (Shane Warne) yesterday so, I just needed to be at least louder than him.”
The ringing of the bell at a Lord’s Test by an international cricketer, administrator or well-known enthusiast of the sport is a tradition introduced in 2007. The bell, which is located outside the Bowlers’ Bar of the Lord’s Pavilion, is rung to signify the imminent start of play.
Congratulations @meljones_33 on ringing the five-minute bell at Lord’s this morning 👏
A well-deserved honor! #Lords #Ashes2019 #SaturdayMotivation— Female Cricket (@imfemalecricket) August 17, 2019

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